A quick view of St. Mark’s Historic District in the East Village, featuring @stm…
A quick view of St. Mark’s Historic District in the East Village, featuring @stmarksbowery and the Abe Lebewohl Triangle ✨
#townhousetherapy #eastvillage #stmarks #bowery #autumninnewyork #preservation #historic #landmarks #landmarksofny @landmarksofny @nyc.landmarks #neighborhood #womeninconstruction #townhouses
A beautiful restored Parlor from our Putnam Project, featured in Remodelista . …
A beautiful restored Parlor from our Putnam Project, featured in Remodelista ?
Hovey Design + TBO Architecture
#townhousetherapy #townhouse #brownstone #renovation #realestate #nyc #restoration #brooklynbrownstones #historic #townhouses #BedfordStuyvesant #FortGreene https://t.co/8J9NawLTQh
Source by Tatiana Cames
A favorite facade to start the weekend . . . #townhousetherapy #townhouse #brow…
A favorite facade to start the weekend ✨
#townhousetherapy #townhouse #brownstone #facades #facade #renovation #realestate #nyc #restoration #brooklynbrownstones #historic #townhouses #fridayfavorites #fridayfacade #nycarchitecture https://t.co/17oP1n7M6J
Source by Tatiana Cames